Spatial variability of soil properties as influenced by parent materials in areas under different land use. Land conversion from native ecosystem to agricultural use may alter soil physical, chemical and biological properties depending on duration and the type of tillage. The objectives of this study were to determine some physical properties of the soil between the soil alluvial and sandstone parent materials, to determine some chemical properties of the soil between the soil alluvial and sandstone parent material and to assess the variability of the soil characteristics. The study area is located at Cross River Basin Development Authority Farms, Itu, Akwa Ibom State - Nigeria. Soil pH, electrical conductivity (EC), Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), Soil Organic Matter (SOM), total N, plant available P and soil texture were analyzed soil samples collected from Cross River Basin Development Authority Farms, Itu, Akwa Ibom State – Nigeria. In addition, spatial variability of the soil properties under each land use was defined using statistical analysis. Soil pH had the minimum variability compared to other soil properties. Soil tillage caused significant changes in soil properties. Soil organic matter, total N, available P, CEC, and EC, clay content and silt content decreased significantly (P<0.01) while K+, Na+, pH and sand content increased with cultivation. The variables of the cultivated soils generally had a lower nugget than the variables of the native grassland. The degree of spatial dependence for CEC, clay, silt, sand and ph was low. The variation of the soil variables was fairly homogenized in the cultivated fields compared to the native grassland.
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